
Call for Papers

Ahyu: A Journal of Language and Literature is an annual academic journal of the Department of English and Literary Studies Department, Federal University, Wukari, Nigeria. Deriving its name from the Jukun word for trumpet, the journal is a double-blind peer-reviewed open access outlet that provides a platform for academics to present their most current findings from researches undertaken in language and literature from across the world. By language, we mean all verbal and nonverbal modes with which histo-cultural formations and spaces are apprehended. This includes particularly those media pivotal in constituting and interpreting contemporary African reality and existence, from linguistics, semiotics, cultural studies to politics. In addition, by literature, we mean language used at a second remove to enunciate literary forms across different modes and media. Thus, Ahyu welcomes researches dwelling on, but not limited to, film studies, narrative studies, theatre studies, performance studies, dance, rhetorics and other related fields from any part of the world, as long as they are oriented towards Black experience.

With theory being at the vanguard of interpretation of data, the articles Ahyu solicits should not exceed 7,000 words and they should aim to provide fresh insights to existing arguments or chart new directions where there is currently none. Articles submitted should be the authors’ original work and not be under consideration in any other journal at the time of submission. Consideration will be given to articles that not only adopt a clear theoretical lens but produce fresh and compelling new readings of data, while establishing a persuasive sense of what is at stake in doing so. Readers would normally get reviewers' reports with eight (8) weeks of submitting their articles.

In addition to thought-provoking articles, Ahyu also welcomes reviews of recently published scholarly and literary works. Review submissions should not exceed 1,000 words. Interested authors should contact the journal's Reviews Editor for information and other details, in some exceptional instances, pertaining to the mailing of copies of works to be reviewed. Creative works such as poems can also be submitted to the Reviews Editor for consideration via the journal’s email: [email protected].

This journal uses the portal system to help track the review process of your submissions. Please note that Ahyu screens papers for unoriginal material. By submitting your paper to Ahyu you are agreeing to originality checks during the peer-review and production processes. 

We do not charge submission or review fees. For now, as a token contribution to the cost of production, only publication fees are asked for after two reviewers have deemed the research work publishable. The small amount charged to authors is derived from the number of pages the article accepted  and formatted for publication comprises, but usually not exceeding $50.00.

All published articles receive DOIs and are indexed with Crossref, Google Scholar as well as included in LOCKSS and CLOCKSS archival systems.

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 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Ignatius Chukwumah; MANAGING EDITOR: Maryam Yusuf Magaji; ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Judith A. Mgbemena, Bassey Ude Bassey; EDITORIAL BOARD: Ignatius Chukwumah, Maryam Yusuf Magaji, Judith A. Mgbemena, Bassey Ude Bassey, Heba M. Sharobeem, Cajetan Iheka, Li-hsin Hsu, Owolabi B. Ajayi, Pushpa Parekh, Abdulgawad Elnady; REVIEWS/LITERARY EDITOR: Owolabi B. Ajayi; EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS: Wale Adegbite, Gbenga Fakuade, Obododimma Oha, Amaechi N. Akwanya, Eno Grace Nta, Okwute J. Abah.

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