A Lexico-semantic study of Vernacular Expressions in Chimamanda Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun


  • Innocent Ejimofor Agu Department of English and Literary Studies Federal University Wukari
  • Evangelista Chimebere Agu Department of English and Literary Studies, Federal University Wukari,




Style, Stylistics, Meaning, Lexis and Semantics


This paper examined the use of vernacular expressions in Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun with the intention of establishing the appropriateness or otherwise of such usage. It has become an established style for renowned authors to incorporate vernacular expressions in their writings. Code-mixing from different languages is sometimes done with the sole purpose of emphasizing some
salient points that would enable the author achieve a particular artistic effect. But it can also affect meaning and thus cause ambiguity in the interpretation of the intended points.The extracts were purposively selected and discussed under the sub-heads: Use of Ambiguous Expressions, Use of Code-switching and Code-mixing, Introduction of Different Dialects of the Igbo Language into the
narrative, Use of Plural Markers, Use of Vernacular Expressions of Non-Igbo Etymology and Use of Sound Effects. The analyses revealed that the author is very skilful in weaving vernacular expressions into a novel written in the English language thus
creating a perfect blend of two or more languages into a single narrative for stylistic effect. It is recommended that budding and even established writers may decide to adopt this style so as to reach a wider African audience and at the same time create a balance of style and meaning in the narrative tissue.


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How to Cite

Agu, I. E., & Agu, E. C. (2017). A Lexico-semantic study of Vernacular Expressions in Chimamanda Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun. Ahyu: A Journal of Language and Literature, 1, 1–8. https://doi.org/10.56666/ahyu.v1i.95
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